Aldi Novel Adilang

The Incredible Survival Story of Aldi Novel Adilang: 49 Days Adrift at Sea Before Rescue in Japan

The Incredible Survival Story of Aldi Novel Adilang: 49 Days Adrift at Sea Before Rescue in Japan

Aldi Novel Adilang

The name Aldi Novel Adilang has recently captured global attention. This 19-year-old Indonesian teenager from Sulawesi survived an unimaginable ordeal: drifting alone at sea for 49 days before being rescued near Japan.

His story of resilience, faith, and ingenuity is nothing short of extraordinary.

Background: The Life of a Rompong Keeper

Aldi worked as a rompong keeper—a traditional floating fish aggregating device (FAD) off the coast of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. These rafts, equipped with lamps to attract fish, are anchored far out at sea. Workers like Aldi live on these structures for weeks, maintaining equipment and assisting local fishermen. On July 14, 2018, Aldi’s routine took a terrifying turn when his raft broke free from its moorings due to a snapped rope. Strong currents carried him into the open ocean, beginning a harrowing journey that would test his physical and mental limits.

The Drift: From Sulawesi to Guam and Beyond

Aldi’s raft drifted northwest, reaching waters near Guam—over 1,200 kilometers from his starting point—before veering toward Japan. For weeks, he battled isolation, starvation, and the elements. His only possessions were a generator, gas canisters, solar-powered lamps, a radio, a handheld transceiver (HT), kitchen tools, spices, rice, clothing, and a Bible.

Week 1: Desperation Sets In

In the first week, Aldi’s food supplies ran out. He resorted to catching fish with a hook, boiling them using the gas stove. When the gas depleted, he burned wooden planks from the raft to cook. At times, he ate raw fish to survive. Water scarcity forced him to ration three sips a day. When his drinking water vanished, he soaked his clothes in seawater and squeezed out moisture—a desperate measure that risked dehydration.

Week 2–3: Battling Nature’s Wrath

By the third week, Aldi faced new dangers. Sharks circled his raft, their fins visible for hours. “I prayed, and eventually, they left,” he later recounted. He also encountered a massive, unidentified fish that lingered beside his raft. To stay sane, Aldi adhered to a strict routine: fishing in the morning, reading the Bible in the afternoon, and cooking at dusk. At night, he conserved energy by turning off lights unless ships passed nearby.

Aldi Novel Adilang
A rompong is a floating fishing trap that is shaped like a hut

Divine Intervention? A Mysterious Voice and Rainwater Miracle

Aldi credits his survival to unwavering faith. During a critical moment, he claims to have heard a voice instructing him to build a bamboo shower. That night, rain poured, allowing him to collect freshwater. “It felt like a miracle,” he said.

Rescue and Recovery: The MV Arpeggio Saves the Day

On August 31, 2018—49 days after his ordeal began—the Panamanian-flagged cargo ship MV Arpeggio spotted Aldi’s raft near Japan. Weak and emaciated, he was rushed aboard. The crew provided medical care and contacted the Indonesian Consulate in Osaka.

Homecoming with the Indonesian Consulate

The consulate arranged Aldi’s repatriation. After clearing immigration in Japan, he flew to Manado via Tokyo on September 8, 2018, aboard Garuda Indonesia. His family, who had presumed him dead, welcomed him with tears of joy.

Aldi’s Survival Strategies: A Breakdown

  • Food Sources: Fish (cooked, raw, or sun-dried).
  • Water Rationing: Three sips daily, later relying on rainwater and seawater-soaked clothing.
  • Mental Resilience: Reading the Bible, maintaining a strict daily schedule.
  • Energy Conservation: Minimizing movement, extinguishing lights at night.
  • Improvised Tools: Using bamboo for rainwater collection, burning raft planks for fuel.
  • The Aftermath: Global Recognition and Lessons Learned

Aldi’s story sparked international media coverage, highlighting the risks faced by rompong workers. Indonesian authorities have since emphasized stricter safety protocols for FADs, including reinforced moorings and emergency communication devices.

A Testament to Human Resilience

Aldi Novel Adilang’s ordeal transcends a mere survival story. It underscores humanity’s capacity to endure against impossible odds, blending faith, ingenuity, and sheer willpower. His experience serves as a stark reminder of the ocean’s unpredictability—and the urgent need for better protections for those who work at sea.

FAQs About Aldi Adilang’s Survival

1. How did Aldi survive without food for weeks?

Aldi caught fish using a hook and line. When cooking fuel ran out, he burned wooden planks or ate fish raw.

2. What kept him mentally strong?

Aldi relied on his Christian faith, reading the Bible daily. He also maintained a routine to avoid despair.

3. Why weren’t there rescue efforts earlier?

His raft drifted far beyond Indonesian search zones. Weak radio signals and limited visibility hindered detection.

4. How did he collect drinking water?

After rainwater, Aldi soaked clothes in seawater and squeezed out moisture—a risky method that provided minimal hydration.

5. What safety changes have occurred since his rescue?

Authorities now mandate GPS trackers on rompongs and emergency kits for workers.

6. Did Aldi suffer long-term health effects?

While physically recovered, Aldi admits to lingering trauma. He now advocates for maritime safety awareness.

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